Healing Words To Meditate Upon

The following statements are collections of my revelations that I have received by walking through my own healing journey. My hope in sharing them with you is to inspire you or other beloveds who may be going through a healing journey, especially a physical one. May the Divine spirit make these revelations real in your heart and produce health and healing in your soul, heart and body, Amin.

  1. I quiet my mind and live in the heart; that is where my healing is.

  2. No matter how hard I try to be healed, without God it is impossible.

  3. No matter what the disease is, God is capable and willing to heal me.

  4. I believe so that I may see.

  5. If there is a praying, there is an answering.

  6. There is only one True Healer, and that is God.

  7. I believe even when I see no reason to believe.

  8. I believe even when I am the only one believing for my healing.

  9. I see the sickness as an opportunity for God to shine through me and my life. My healing will glorify Him.

  10. I always remember that I am not my body.

  11. In my healing journey, I am not alone.

  12. I remember that healing is a journey.

  13. I do not have to convince God to heal me; He is more compassionate than that.

  14. I carry the Healer within me.

  15. I do the believing; God does the healing.

  16. The more I know God, the more I believe in Him.

  17. I look beyond the sickness, and I see myself healed, the way God sees me.

  18. To receive healing, I guard my heart.

  19. I fix my eyes on the Healer, and not the healing.

  20. I often remind myself that God is a kind God; He has not forgotten about me.

  21. In receiving healing, I become friend with the Healer.

  22. Healing is normal; healing is simple.

  23. I do not have to know everything about healing to be healed.

  24. Healing is saying “yes” to peace and “no” to doubts.

  25. Healing manifests when my heart stays focused on God and His Love for me, and not my body and the need for it to be healed.

  26. When considering healing, I do not look at my body. Healing comes from my spirit, or better to say, God’s spirit. So I fix my eyes on His spirit.

  27. If the manifestation of my healing is taking so long, I do not get worry. That does not mean it is not going to happen; it simply means my healing testimony is going to be greater.

  28. Healing is not about doing, praying a lot, going to many people, or putting a lot of effort; healing is about “being” with Allah and letting Him to do the healing.

  29. Healing is God’s idea.

  30. Through this sickness, I am being lifted up to a higher level of existence, a level in which I can see the face of God and receive my healing directly from Him.

  31. God loves me no matter what my physical condition looks like.

  32. I worship God until I reach certainty.

  33. God, the Healer, is on my side.

  34. God knows how to heal, and I do not need to know everything. I just need to trust He who knows it all.

  35. The more I see the Healer in me, the more healing flows into my body.